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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع

قديم 12-14-2014, 03:54 PM
مروان ساهر مروان ساهر غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2014
المشاركات: 2,772
افتراضي النسخة المخففة من البرنامج الفوتوشوب Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 Lite 15.2.1 Portable

Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 Lite 15.2.1 Portable
<br>Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 - Your best assets. Right at your fingertips. With new Creative Cloud Libraries, get quick access to all your favorite images, colors, type styles, brushes, and more — and easily share assets with Illustrator CC and mobile apps like Sketch and Draw.
<br> Photoshop — beyond the desktop.
<br>Tap into the power and precision of Photoshop on your iPhone and iPad with new connected mobile apps, Photoshop Sketch and Photoshop Mix. Start your imaging work on your device, and then bring it into Photoshop CC on your desktop with all layers intact.
<br> New Features:
<br> Creative Cloud Libraries
<br>Browse and access your favorite creative assets — images, colors, type styles, brushes, and more — in new libraries that are available in Photoshop, Illustrator, and mobile apps like Sketch and Draw. Libraries sync to Creative Cloud so you always have the files you need, right when you need them.
<br> Improved guides
<br>Quickly create multiple guides at one time — no more having to create or drag out each guide individually. Accurately set the width and margins of multiple columns or rows, and even save guides as presets.
<br> Rigging and animation data from COLLADA files
<br>Now Photoshop CC can interpret rigging and animation data from COLLADA files, so you can play the animations directly within Photoshop and pose characters by pausing the animation where you want.
<br> SVG export
<br>Export SVG graphics using new Extract Assets and Adobe Generator. Output includes path information, layer style information, and more for content that will scale beautifully in any browser.
<br> Extract Assets
<br>Easily extract optimized image assets from layers and save them to various formats and resolutions, including SVG, using the simple, visual Extract Assets interface built on top of Adobe Generator. Generate either individual or real-time, auto-updated extractions tailored to your workflow.
<br> Support for Windows touch devices
<br>Get a more interactive experience on Windows 8.1 touch devices now that you can use pinch, zoom, pan, and rotate gestures.
<br> Support for 3D PDF files
<br>Export your 3D designs from Photoshop as 3D files so colleagues and clients can easily view, comment on, and manipulate them in Adobe Acrobat.
<br> New 3D printer profiles
<br>Get support for additional 3D printers and printing service providers, including i.Materialise and new MakerBot printers.
<br> And so much more
<br>Also includes: a padding option for selections, a new Flame pattern script, and more.
<br> System Requirements:
<br>- Intelآ® Pentiumآ® 4 or AMD Athlonآ® 64 processor (2 GHz or faster)
<br>- Microsoftآ® Windowsآ® 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1
<br>- 2 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended)
<br>- 2 GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)
<br>- 1024x768 display (1280x800 recommended) with 16-bit color and 512 MB of VRAM (1 GB recommended)
<br>- OpenGL 2.0–capable system
<br>- Internet connection and registration are necessary for required software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services.*
<br>Languages: Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, FrenchCA, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Moroccan, Norwegian, Polish, PortugueseBR, Russian, SimpChinese, Spanish, SpanishInternational, Swedish, TradChinese, Turkish, Ukrainian.


<br>x86: DOWNLOAD


<br>x86: DOWNLOAD


<br>x86: DOWNLOAD


<br>x86: DOWNLOAD


<br>x86: DOWNLOAD

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<br>x86: DOWNLOAD

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