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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع

قديم 12-14-2014, 05:13 PM
مروان ساهر مروان ساهر غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2014
المشاركات: 2,772
افتراضي لعبة الأكشن الرائعة Gun Strike 2 v1.1.5 Android

Gun Strike 2 v1.1.5
<br>The most exciting FPS game - Gun Strike ** new sequel debuts.
<br>Gun Strike 2 is a Third Person Shooter(TPS) that designed for fans of FPS, shooting games, action games. You will portray as an experience mercenary, equipped with all kinds of weapon to challenge various shooting assignments.
<br>There will be 26 different types of mercenary, 41 types of rifle, handgun, and grenade to choose from. Player can use their rewarded points and prizes to upgrade their own team and gears to compete with other worldwide players in Google Play Game Service for the Best Mercenary Title.
<br>[Game Characteristic]
<br>** Reflect Real Weapon Characteristic **
<br>-Let player experience the firing and explosive power of automatic weapon, handguns and grenade thru game simulation.
<br>-In the course of level up, player can enhance the weapons power, stability, and speed, as well as equip sniper scope and grenade launcher.
<br>-Prior to weapon purchase, player can test them in shooting range with moving targets, cans, and bottles.
<br>** Various Shooting Assignments **
<br>-A mixture of tactical assignments such as Base Defense, Enemy Territory Assault, Survival, Hunting, Hostage Rescue, Scientist escort, and Enemy Boss Challenge.
<br>-Actual game play are set in worldwide battlefields such as deserts, jungles, snow field, ocean ports, modern city, and in many different backgrounds and scene.
<br>** Power Mercenary Roster **
<br>-Player can choose from 26 types of mercenary. Each mercenary has different characteristic, outfit, strength and special skills.
<br>-Each charter has been specially designed, with different types of weapon, packing, and reloading action. Thru physics engine real time calculation, each character attack action, explosions, and movements are becoming more realistic and real life.
<br>** Support Google Play Game Service **
<br>-16 types of game achievements, 5 ranking chart, and worldwide player challenge capability.
<br>-Support Cloud Storage function.
<br>**Weapon Collection**
<br>-Assault Rifles
<br>M1 Garand, STG44, M14, AK-47, M16A1, M4A1, AUG, FN SCAR, HK416, FAMAS
<br>-Machine Guns
<br>M249, M60, M134
<br>-Sniper Rifles
<br>SVD, Remington 700, AWP, HK G3SG, M82A1, CheyTac M200
<br>-Grenade Launchers
<br>RG-6, M32 MGL
<br>-Hand Guns
<br>P38, M1911, Beretta M92F, Glock 18C , Five-seveN, Colt Anaconda, Desert Eagle
<br>-Submachine Guns
<br>Thompson, UZI, MP5 Navy, FN P90, HK MP7A1, KRISS Vector
<br>Remington 870, M4 Super 90, AA-12, Kel-Tec KSG
<br>Mk2, M67, Flashbang
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