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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع

قديم 03-28-2015, 02:49 PM
مروان ساهر مروان ساهر غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2014
المشاركات: 2,772
افتراضي تطبيق الساعة الناطقة Speaking Clock: TellMeTheTime v1.16.0 Android

Speaking Clock: TellMeTheTime v1.16.0
<br>TellMeTheTime provides a speaking clock and a talking night clock. This app tells the user the current time, when you are currently not able to take a look on your clock, for example you ride by bicycle or by motorcycle, drive a car or you lying in the morning in your bed and want to know what time it is and if you can continue sleeping.
<br>This speaking clock app is ideal for all biker, bicyclist, car driver, sports person, visually impaired persons or all persons who are currently not able to take a look on their watch.
<br>The speaking clock can be triggered by pressing the headset button, or by repeatedly wiping with your hand over the proximity sensor of the phone.
<br>With the special night clock mode, you do not need to open your eyes, just wave your hand over the phone and the time will be announced. Additionally in this mode the screen will be activated and the time will be displayed.
<br>• The format and the style of the speaking clock is individual adjustable.
<br>• The text and background colors of the nightstand clock are free configurable.
<br>• This talking clock is able to announce the time in English, German, France, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Turkish, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian or in Czech.
<br>• The night clock automatically starts when the mobile device is connected to a power supply.
<br>• System independent volume setting
<br>• A time announcement can be triggered by:
<br>• pressing the headset button
<br>• wiping with your hand over the proximity sensor
<br>• a selected time interval
<br>• open the application
<br>• power button
<br>IMPORTANT! A text-to-speech engine must be installed, like for example Google TTS, Pico TTS, IVONA or SVOX Classic TTS. The TTS engine is not part of this application. The quality of the voice depends from the installed TTS engine.
<br>If you have any trouble by using this app, please send me an e-mail with a de******ion of your problem. I will try to fix these issue as soon as possible.
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