01-22-2015, 05:41 PM
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2014
المشاركات: 2,772
تطبيق ضغط وفك ضغط الملفات Easy Unrar Unzip and zip premium v3.1 Android
Easy Unrar Unzip and zip premium v3.1
<br>New format : RAR 5 and 7zip Support
<br>Easy Unrar, Unzip & Zip allows you to extract rar and zip files easily. It has a browser to browse the files on your phone or your tablet. The application supports all versions of rar files, archives protected by a password and multi-part archives.
<br>It also allows simple zip compression, multi-part compression and AES encryption.
<br>Moreover, Easy Unrar & Zip enables to display the content of an archive without decompressing it.
<br>This allows you to spare time, you can also select some files in the archive and extract them.
<br>Once extracted, the files can be directly opened in Easy Unrar & Zip (another browser is not necessary).
<br>Extraction time is very fast :
<br>E.g. for extracting a movie (710 MB rar compressed) with several devices generation :
<br>- Asus Memo Pad FHD 10 (Intel Atom 1.6GHz): 1 minute 14 seconds
<br>- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (ARM Cortex A9 1.0GHz) : 2 minutes 8 seconds
<br>- Samsung Galaxy S I (ARM Cortex-A8 1.0GHz) : 3 minutes 16 seconds
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